Archi­tecture in context

LUMIA creates architecture that relates to and considers the surrounding environment and its layers. We approach architecture as a narrative, taking into time, history, and functions into account. There is always a potential for development in the space, and our team is there to recognise it.

The lead architect of the office is Margit Aule whose 15 years of experience in creating modern and contextual architecture guides LUMIA’s activities. We have a team of 10 architects and interior architects, all of whom contribute to creative design process.

LUMIA's portfolio includes projcets such as the Pilgrims’ House in Vastseliina, recognised with the Annual Prize of the Estonian Association of Architects, as well as the Põltsamaa Castle, awarded the Grand Prize of the Estonian Cultural Endowment and the Annual Prize of the National Heritage Board. Additionally, projects like Fahle Gallery Street in Tallinn, the Episcopal Castle in Haapsalu, the Estonian Embassy in Moscow, Park Hotel Viljandi, and the Treasury of the University of Tartu Museum have been honoured.

In our work, we always consider the surrounding environment and the essence of the location, seeking to understand the internal logic of the object's placement. We are interested in the existing and the local, as architectural identity stems from culture, climate, and building traditions. We explore and use the various possibilities and nuances of light, thus framing architectural details. Based on this, we create contemporary architecture that integrates harmoniously and cohesively into the surrounding space.

We design both new buildings and engage in giving new life and function to historical heritage. LUMIA's experience encompasses various types of objects and comprehensive solutions, from monuments to modern high-rises and from houses to embassies.

The meanings of the name LUMIA are open to interpretation, reflecting a creativity that is driven by a shared vision and values.

work with lumia

At this time, we don't have any job vacancies.


Margit Aule
Margit Aule

Partner / Chartered Principal Architect (Level 8) / Chartered Interior (Level 7)

Member of the Estonian Association of Architects

+372 5669 0381


  • Laureate of the annual prize of the Estonian National Heritage Protection Board in the category "Well-restored interior"

    Kuressaare Episcopal Castle
  • Grand Prize 2023 of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Architecture Endowment)

    Põltsamaa Castle
  • Laureate of the annual prize of the Estonian National Heritage Protection Board in the category "Achievement of the Year"

    Põltsamaa Castle
  • Prize at the Tartu 2022 best building competition: new business building Lootuse 2a that values the environment

    Tähe 19
  • Award at the competition for the best building of Tartu 2022: the people's favorite Lootuse 2a

    Tähe 19
  • Laureate of the annual prize of the Estonian National Heritage Protection Board in the category "Well-restored monument"

    Poska house
  • Annual Award 2021 of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Architecture Endowment) in the category ‘New from old’

    Fahle Gallery Street
  • Annual Award 2021 of the Estonian Landscape Architects’ Union in the category of ‘Landscape and building’

    Fahle Gallery Street
  • EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award nominee 2022

    Haapsalu Castle
  • European Museum of the Year Award: Special Commendation 2021 for ‘outstanding renovation’

    Haapsalu Castle
  • Heritage Award of Tallinn

    Noblessner Foundry
  • Heritage Award of Tallinn

    Kai Art Center
  • Estonian Annual Museum Awards: award for the Museum Development 2019

    Haapsalu Castle
  • Annual Award 2019 of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (Architecture Endowment)

    Estonian Embassy in Moscow, Park Hotel Viljandi, Haapsalu Castle
  • Annual Award 2019 of the Estonian Association of Interior Architects

    Park Hotel Viljandi
  • Laureate of the annual prize of the Estonian National Heritage Protection Board in the category "Well-restored monument"

    Haapsalu Castle
  • Laureate of the annual prize of the Estonian National Heritage Protection Board in the category "Well-restored monument"

    Noblessner Foundry
  • Annual Architecture Award 2018 of the Estonian Association of Architects

    Pilgrims’ House
  • EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award nominee 2019

    Pilgrims’ House
  • Recognition of the Estonian National Heritage Board for a ‘Well-designed new building in historical environment’

    Pilgrims’ House
  • Recognition of the Estonian National Heritage Board for ‘Good design’

    Haapsalu Castle
  • Annual Award 2014−2015 of the Estonian Association of Interior Architects for the best historical interior

    Energy Discovery Centre
  • Estonian Annual Museum Awards for 2014: special award of the National Heritage Board and the Heritage Committee of the Museums Board for restoring a museum as a cultural monument

    Energy Discovery Centre
  • Annual Interior Architecture Award 2012 of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia

    Treasury of the University of Tartu Museum
  • Annual Award 2011 of the Estonian Cultural Endowment (Architecture Endowment) for architectural accomplishments in organising the LIFT11 urban installations festival

